Debris Box Rental & Junk Removal
800-771-5684, 510-256-7259
Richmond, CA 94806
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Debris Box
Rental & Junk

Amazon Dumpster provides trash containers and junk removal for residential and commercial clients throughout the greater Richmond CA region

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Welcome to our site!

We started out as Santos Pavers and initially provided professional stone designs, but since have expanded to provide 10, 20, 30 and 40 cubic yard Debris Box Service. Our goal has always been to provide great service, and competitive pricing while diverting as much debris as possible away from our landfills. We know that our business has a direct effect on our environment and we take that responsibility very seriously. We continue to research ways to recycle more materials and create our operations efficiently in order to have less of a footprint on our environment.

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Frequently Asked Questions Dumpster Information
The dumpster rental process is full of unique choices that can make a world of difference in saving valuable time and money. Size, price, location, waste type - these are all considerations one should take into account before making a final decision. Below is a short list of questions we get frequently from our dumpster customers. If you feel you need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to call our location in your area. Amazon Dumpster provides trash containers and junk removal for residential and commercial clients throughout the greater Richmond CA region

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